Toxic wasteland
I think at this point in this blog and in the world, we are all aware that some chemicals in our environment are harmful.
Like in the recent case of Dewayne Johnson vs. Monsanto Company where Johnson was awarded 289 million for terminal cancer related to his exposure to Monsanto’s pesticides. Stories similar to this have been happening for more than a century and are only becoming more frequent.

How much can you tolerate?
The majority of these chemicals happen to be man-made or byproducts of man-made industrialization. There are some that can cause us measurable harm in small doses and others that need large doses to show measurable harm. We can’t eliminate them all but we can try to reduce or avoid the ones we are educated on. Which is really the point of this blog post and this topic as an Innate Essential.
It should also be noted that the body has many systems in place to deal with toxic foreign invaders and eliminate them from our being. The problem arises when we can’t eliminate them fast enough and/or our excretory systems are overwhelmed. This toxic soup creates an environment where the immune system is forced to attack.
Below is an incomplete list of chemical sources known or thought to cause harm to the human body. Remember, just like the rat poison discussed in an earlier blog, a toxic chemical is harmful even if the smallest dose is unmeasurable by our current standards.
Reduce our Exposure
For the purposes of this blog, I will list 20 common sources of these chemicals so that I may help you reduce or eliminate these from your life. There are millions of harmful chemicals being produced every day and plenty of other blogs that cover this. So, let’s get at the main sources in everyday life and try to simplify your action steps. I have linked to some healthier product options that I use as well as websites to further your education. Learn more about xenoestrogens here. Use the search feature on the Skin Deep website to find out where your hygiene products rank in toxicity.
20 common sources of toxic chemicals every day
20 sources of toxic chemicals every day
- Water – Tap water is filled with chemicals including fluoride, antibiotics, pain medication, feces, etc. Many of us understand that when we drink or cook with tap water we are ingesting multiple toxic chemicals in small doses. However, many more are surprised to read that these chemicals are also harmful when bathing. For more regarding this Innate Essential read the chapter dedicated to Water. We use a Berkey system but will eventually upgrade to an Aquasana whole house filter.
- Food – Processed food is riddled with pesticides, additives and a host of chemicals that are used to increase profits and sustain longer shelf life. Unfortunately, our produce, dairy, and meat have also been heavily commercialized. Sacrifices have been made to raise profits at the cost of our health. Many of the run-off chemicals from agriculture are also contributing to our water and soil pollution. The solution? Read about it here in Eat Real Food.
- Medications and Drugs – Ask a fifth grader about drugs and most likely they will reply, drugs are bad! Every medication/drug has a desired effect and non-desired effects. A cough medicine that reduces your cough, but has a side effect of cancer, is really just a medicine that has an effect of giving you cancer as well as an effect reducing your cough. A common cough medicine prescribed in the early 20th century was heroin. Do your best to reduce your exposure. Everyone’s situation is different. I’m not denying that medications used properly can be life-saving, but then again, I’ve never met a human with a Tylenol deficiency.
- Soaps and shampoos – They clean your outsides but often contain chemicals that poison your insides. In my household, we use products like Everyone Soap, Dr. Bronners Pure castile soap, and organic unrefined coconut oil. The goal here is to reduce exposure to xenoestrogens. Learn more about xenoestrogens and search the Skin Deep website to find out where your products rank in toxicity.
- Deodorants and perfumes – What’s wrong with the way I smell? I’m not a hippie and I do like to smell nice, so I have found some less toxic deodorants to use. When I can, I choose to go without any deodorant or fragrances. (What I use Schmidt’s or Primal Paste) Learn about xenoestrogens and Skin Deep in the links above.
- Cosmetics, Lotions and Sunscreens – Beauty is more than skin deep. Again I choose more natural products such as Unrefined Organic Coconut Oil for lotion or sunscreen. I have found a few non-toxic sunscreens and non-toxic makeup on the EWG website. Learn more about xenoestrogens and search the Skin Deep website to find out where your products rank.
- Occupation related chemicals hazards – Your career choice can literally kill you. Understand what products you work with daily. This can range from asbestos to paint. Take precautions and educate yourself.
- Household cleaning products – Inhaling any of the chemicals under your sink will most likely get you high. Many have also been shown to be toxic to humans. (We use Mrs. Meyers) Learn more about xenoestrogens and search the Skin Deep website to find out where your products rank.
- Fragrances and Air fresheners – Your house smells fine, I swear. In our house, we use essential oil diffusers. Learn more about xenoestrogens and search the Skin Deep website to find out where your products rank.
- Dryer sheets and Fabric softener – The chemicals used to launder your clothes leach into your skin when you wear them. We use Wool dryer balls. Learn more about xenoestrogens and search the Skin Deep website to find out where your products rank. If you really want to be a rebel hippie, hang your clothes outside in the sun. It’s free and non-toxic.
- Hairstyling products – This is a big one with all the crap people put into their hair and even worse their children’s hair. Coconut oil is my go-to. I put it on after shampoo, let sit for a minute and then rinse with hot water. I comb my hair after drying off from the shower and it holds like a gel. No hair spray! Learn more about xenoestrogens and search the Skin Deep website to find out where your products rank.
- Eye products – Tears, that’s all you need! If your body is not producing them normally, get back to the Innate Essentials. Your body is surely out of balance and more than likely due to hydration issues. Please stop using products like Cool Eye Drops to reduce symptoms of your imbalance.
- Dental products – Brush your teeth regularly as it’s crucial to your hygiene. Sulfate and Fluoride-free. Check out David’s toothpaste and Dr. Plotka’s silver toothbrushes.
- Air pollution – We are literally wading in toxic soup daily. I don’t have a solution other than trying to limit what you can and be aware of what you are putting into the air you breathe or is being put into the air you breathe.
- Plastics and Styrofoam – Use glassware and stainless steel anytime possible. I use Hydroflask, glass Water bottles and glass food containers on a regular basis. Learn more about xenoestrogens.
- Feminine hygiene – There are better alternatives to the plastic, bleached and chemical-laden products commercially available, such as Athena or at worst natural tampons. Learn more about xenoestrogens and search the Skin Deep website to find out where your products rank.
- Paints and construction chemicals – Learn more about xenoestrogens.
- Car exhaust and transportation byproducts – Ride a damn bike, just ask Mr. Money Mustache. Learn more about xenoestrogens.
- Radiation and Microwaves – Not exactly chemical, but still will jack you up. Whether it’s your occupation or you are a bachelor eating for one, there are many ways to limit your exposure. Check out this recent article in Popular Mechanics about the radiation toxicity of the iPhone 11.
- EMF and WiFi – Too new to know much about them, but the early research is showing that it will alter your physiology negatively. You could go completely Off the Grid or maybe just try to limit your exposure where you can. We Have No Reason to Believe 5G is Safe.
The list of chemicals and their sources could go on and on. The point of this blog isn’t to list them all but to point out everyday sources and what my family does to limit our exposure. There are countless chemicals that we interact with every day. A few small changes can make a big difference in your lifetime. Learn more about xenoestrogens and search the Skin Deep website to find out where your products rank.
One Adjustment action step
- Follow the Innate Essentials and you can avoid quite a few of these toxicities naturally. The habits and routines described should also help to decrease your need for future medications.
- Change your hygiene products – go green or make your own hippie products. My wife makes our deodorant and shampoos. My conditioner and hairstyling product is coconut oil.
- Change your household cleaning products for more natural, greener alternatives or make your own concoctions.
- Avoid plastics. Buy reusable glassware and/or stainless steel products.
- Change jobs or at a minimum wear protection when dealing with chemicals.
- Limit interactions with electronics. Turn off your phone once in a while or at least put it on airplane mode when not being used. Shut off the WiFi when sleeping. Go extreme and get off the grid.
- Bike, walk or run to work and encourage others to do the same.
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