Reading Time: 11 minutes

Movement is a shared fundamental function of all organisms on Earth. Without movement, none of us would be here today. Movement is needed at the micro-level with the exchange of molecules all the way up to the macro-level of compound exercises. Movement’s role in the act of reproduction for our species (intercourse) is undeniable but we should also recognize movements’ role in the release of hormones responsible to induce these reproductive behaviors. 

4 Amazing Benefits Exercise has on Sex & HormonesPin

Innate Essentials for Life

Sexual selection and natural selection limit the advancement of organisms within a species while consistently teasing out superfluous mechanisms and negative traits. All of our systems have evolved to work together efficiently and to utilize each essential resource effectively in creating a holistic well-being. 

Movement, as I have related, is interconnected and responsible for multiple aspects in the health of our body as a whole. The Innate Essentials are a larger attempt at recognizing this holistic web of simple, God-given elements crucial to our well-being while reducing the latest fads, ads, and gimmicks constantly marketed to us. 

“The pen is mightier than the sword.”

-Edward Bulwer-Lytton

In chapter 4, Movement as Innate Essential, we have extracted out movements’ many benefits on our system as a whole and also reduced them down individually per system. As a review, we have espoused the benefits of movement in the following blog posts.

Chapter 4.0 –  12 Critical Reasons Your Entire Body Needs Exercise

Chapter 4.1 –  7 Scientific Ways Exercise Improves Your Brain

Chapter 4.2 –  Arthritis Reversal – 5 Ways Movement Impacts Arthritis

Chapter 4.3 –  5 Ways Exercise Increases your Immune System Response

Chapter 4.4 –  3 Essential Movements to Improve Lung Health

Chapter 4.5 –  4 Incredible Benefits of Movement for Your Digestive System

In this blog post, Chapter 4.6, 4 Amazing Benefits Exercise has on Sex & Hormones. I am combining two of our systems and their relationship to movement for the simplicity of writing and for recognition of these systems being interconnected. These two systems utilize the element of movement in different capacities. I feel it worth mentioning that all of these systems are interconnected. This is why movement affects all 12 systems as does many of the other elements of the Innate Essentials. 

Separating them as we do in modern medicine doesn’t bode well on the health of the human being. This is a major difference in the reductionistic or mechanistic ideas of 21st-century medicine versus the vitalistic and holistic premises in many of the eastern philosophies of health. Our current allopathic medical paradigm reminds me of the parable of the blind men investigating an elephant

Chiropractors have been addressing the body as a whole long before it was classified by its current name. Their simplistic model was to move well, eat well and think well. Their specific adjustments of subluxated vertebrae encouraged normal neurophysiology, while their philosophy on a healthy diet and stress supported the entire ecosystem.

“Look well to the spine for the cause of disease”.


Movement prepares the body

One Adjustment and the Innate Essentials was spurred by this perception of health that comes from within by encouraging innate strength in our body to face the environment instead of trying to artificially induce safe spaces in the environment.

Out of these same ideas, a new branch of medicine has grown in popularity, functional integrative medicine is starting to follow suit and looking to food, exercise and healthy living as a way to treat and prevent many diseases. It is no longer just Chiropractors preaching these benefits to the public.

Eat Well – Move Well – Think Well

– Dr. James Chestnut 

4 Amazing Benefits Exercise has on Hormones and Sex

We know that the Endocrine system uses hormones as chemical messengers to regulate 4 human processes including growth, metabolism, sexual development, and sexual function. Similar to the concept that the neurological system, aka the master system, communicates information back and forth between the brain and body, the endocrine system is responsible for sending chemical messengers throughout the body. 

The endocrine system is made up of multiple glandular structures throughout the body. The primary glands of the endocrine system include pituitary, thyroid, adrenals, testicles, ovaries and the pineal gland. Secondary to these structures are the interactions they create with many other organs including bone, skin, kidney, heart, and liver. The endocrine system initiates and terminates multiple processes responsible for the entire health and well being of an individual throughout his or her life. 

Here are the 4 benefits exercise has on hormones and sex.

1. Movement and Growth

Just ask any bulked-up bodybuilder how they got so huge and they’ll gladly tell you about all the consistent exercise routines and the limited dietary regimens. Now, if you get a chance to talk to one of these beastly unicorns in private, ask them about the hormones needed to make your muscles swell up like balloons. This is when they will likely tell you about “T” (testosterone) or HGH. Here is the bro-science on HGH. 

Human Growth Hormone (HGH) is released by the pituitary gland during and after exercise. Human growth hormone is responsible for growth, cell regeneration, and cell reproduction. HGH is known to help to speed up healing after an injury and repair muscle tissue after exercise. Consistent doses of HGH will help to build muscle mass, which will boost metabolism, and ultimately burn fat. 

HGH is also known to help maintain, build, and repair healthy tissue in the brain and other organs. I related to this regenerative phenomenon in a blog post titled “Arthritis Reversal – 5 Ways Movement Impacts Arthritis.”  

Exercise has been shown to be crucial for the continual release of HGH according to a prominent sports medical journal. Exercise is a potent physiological stimulus for growth hormone (GH) secretion, and both aerobic and resistance exercise results in significant, acute increases in GH secretion.”

The pituitary gland responsible for the release of HGH is also known as the master gland because it can release a cascade of hormones that will affect any of the remaining primary glands of the endocrine system.

2. Movement and Metabolism

“Energy begets energy”

-Dolly Parton

I had no idea that the quote above is attributed to Dolly Parton, but it is. The saying is something I’ve repeated for years to patients when referring to a persons’ responsibility to their exercise routine, energy, and metabolism. 

Your metabolism essentially is the chemical reactions that take place in your body. It is the conversion of energy through digestion for cellular function, cellular growth and the elimination of wastes through the excretory system.

In layman’s terms, we understand that metabolism represents your daily energy as well as your ability to gain or lose weight. It’s common to hear people referring to their metabolism like a fire inside us. Stoking the fire can be done in many ways utilizing food or supplementation but the most effective and inexpensive way is by exercising regularly. 

Exercise initiates the release of many hormones from the pituitary gland as related above. In relation to the metabolism, the pituitary gland releases Thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) thus activating the thyroid, a primary endocrine gland, causing an equal reactionary release of T3 and T4 hormones. T3 plays the primary role in igniting the furnace known as the metabolism. 

Exercise, as we have related, is a physical stressor on the body. This stressor, using the hormetic effect (video below), has a positive impact on the body’s systems. I related in Chapter 4.0, 12 Critical Reasons your entire Body Needs Exercise, that there are 3 types of exercise needed for proper formation of lean muscle mass. Lean muscle mass encourages an increase in your resting metabolic rate with the ability to burn more calories than fat. “Afterburn” or EPOC relates that your body will continue to burn calories hours after exercise has finished. 

A routine of exercise can have a positive impact on your DNA as well. From muscle mass to cardiovascular health to testosterone levels and balanced hormones. Your habits produced today can encode themselves onto your genes in a process known as methylation that can be passed down to your kin. Epigenetics is a fairly new study of these changes but it is adding to the way we look at the theory of evolution. 

In consideration of your habits and their effect on your metabolism, you should also make sure you have a proper balance with your hydration, sleep, and nutritious real food. These play relatively large roles in your metabolism as well. 

3. Movement and Sexual Development

This thread may be a bit of a controversial piece in this blog post and on this blog in general. Please read up on this subject. 

As I related to above, your genes are passed to your kin. Shocker I know, but what is less known is a newer field known as epigenetics. We are now proving that your habits or experiences can also be passed down to your offspring in a process of methylation of DNA strands. Is it possible that we could alter hormones produced between embryonic development and puberty in a negative way in response to our parent’s and grandparent’s choices and experiences?

We know that we can pass down some of the chemical toxic exposures from one generation to the other as has been shown with toxic exposures like Agent Orange that was sprayed during the Vietnam war. Its effects on our future generations are numerous including diabetes, heart disease, cancer, birth defects, neurological pathologies and more. 

In one study scientists found more than 200 chemicals in newborn umbilical cord blood. Senior Scientist, Anila Jacobs of EWG stated: “Their organ systems aren’t mature and their detox methods are not in place, so cord blood gives us a good picture of exposure during this most vulnerable time of life.” She goes on to say: “21 newly detected contaminants, including the controversial plastics additive bisphenol A, or BPA, which mimics estrogen and has been shown to cause developmental problems and precancerous growth in animals.”

In a recent NBC news article Dr. Jesse Cheung MD relates caution when using chemicals such as Aluminum in your everyday healthcare products. “Aluminum is capable of causing DNA changes and can interfere with the function of estrogen receptors and gene expression in breast cancer cells,”

How will our DNA begin making small adjustments to encode new protective mechanisms for handling the man-made toxins we are regularly exposed to? What about the potential for mutation of our genes? What effect does chronic, generational toxic chemical exposure have on our genes? I definitely don’t have all the answers to these questions but I do know that our plagues of yesteryear have been exchanged for modern man-made plagues of Autism, ADHD, Cancer, Gender dysphoria, etc. They seem to only be getting worse with each generation.

So, what does this have to do with movement? Movement has been shown to be crucial to the body’s detoxification systems. Movement, as I have related, helps aid in the function of neuropathways, healthy vascular, lymphatic and excretory systems as well as encouraging normal physiology and balanced hormones. Movement is one of the Innate Essentials responsible for maintaining human well-being. Just another piece of the puzzle to add to your wellness juggle

Our world having been dominated by plastics for the last 60 plus years, as well as other toxicities we see every day, accumulates internally creating a bottleneck in the detoxification pathways we have evolved with. 

Take these simple facts from a century of toxic overload and add them to multiple generations of increased sedentary conveniences and you have yourself an individual being born into a toxic soup bowl without any physical ability to pull themselves out.

One suspected consequence of this new normal will be altered sexual development. This will create altered anatomy as well as altered physiology. The domination by estrogens in our environment undoubtedly contributes to gender dysphoria. Please read my post on 20 Sources of Toxic Chemicals Every Day and learn more about Xenoestrogens (video below).

This can be further complicated by the experiences and relationships one has in their own lifetime. The butterfly effect of this is unknown.

4. Movement and Sexual Function

Movement plays multiple roles in the sexual function or dysfunction of a human being. Sexual function is more than just the physical activity needed to successfully navigate intercourse. Sexual function includes sexual desire, erection, orgasm, and ejaculation. 

We often think of what is objectively causing desire. Hormones such as testosterone, estrogen, and progesterone are involved in the internal actions needed to feel desire. 

So, what initiates the hormone response of desire? 

Movements’ role in desire first and foremost must be initiated by movement or rather action. Action is needed to gain the attention of another. This can be related by the idiom “Something that catches your eye.” or “something that catches your fancy.” To grab your attention, action is needed. These phrases imply grabbing, gripping, catching and as with sexual desire there has to be an action to propagate the impulse. 

We see courtship behavior often in many animal species. These behaviors can range anywhere from a glance in one’s direction all the way to an elaborate mating dance ritual. Their displays of beauty in one form or another are promises of future potential if mating takes place. 

This, in human form, can be seen on the cover of any magazine, advertisement or Instagram post. Sex sells as they say and often the selling point is a toned, well cared for human body. Often mens’ attractiveness as a mate seems to correlate well with how they have “moved up the ladder” in life. Movement in one form or another is responsible for the initiation of desire. 

The Motion of the Ocean 

The act of reproduction in its most basic form uses the movement of hormones, blood, joints, muscles, sensation and fluid exchange. All of which need some kind of movement to reach the next level. 

One fairly common ailment of sexual dysfunction is erectile dysfunction. ED is generally caused by a lack of blood flow response to the penis. Viagra and many others like it have capitalized on this dilemma with their quick fix little blue pill. Alternatively caring for the vascular system throughout life is heavily associated with your exercise routines, diet, toxic exposure, sleep, and overall stress. These are all associated with Innate Essentials of well-being that I have been promoting. 

Erectile dysfunction may also be associated with the underproduction of testosterone or the overexposure to estrogens. Whether a blood flow problem or hormonal issue, exercise has been shown to be beneficial for both. 

Chiropractic Soapbox

Over the years I have helped numerous patients seeking care for erectile dysfunction and fertility issues. I have heard many anecdotal testimonials as to increased libido, better performance, longer endurance, increased sensation, heightened orgasms and increased fertility.

I do not wish to claim that Chiropractors treat any such syndrome, disease or dysfunction. Chiropractors detect and correct vertebral subluxations. These subluxations impede the brain and body from functioning correctly. Here is an article describing 7 Scientific Ways Exercise Improves Brain Function.

Here is a well-documented case study explaining just that. Reduction in Frequency and Severity of Erectile Dysfunction and Chronic Low Back Pain in a 53-year-old Male Utilizing the Gonstead Technique: A Case Study.

For a fun and quick read, check out this short blog post: 5 Ways Chiropractic Can Help You Have Mind Blowing Sex.

“It’s not the motion of the ocean. It’s the cute little way you get on and off!”

-Grandma Hope

One Adjustment Action Steps

  1. Movement is life. So, move!  Move throughout your day. Get up regularly. I suggest about every 20 minutes. 
  2. Keep a good exercise plan to help balance out your daily sedentary plans. 30 minutes is the minimum as you will see here in 12 Reasons Your Entire Body Needs Exercise. 
  3. Fix your Posture for optimal movement and maximum longevity of your musculoskeletal system. Good posture also helps with blood flow and aesthetics.  
  4. Balance your hormones by Eating Real Food, here’s a list of foods that are high in vitamins and minerals. 
  5. Hydrate or die! Every system needs water. It is the basis of your hormones and thins your blood for better blood pressure.
  6. Avoid or decrease unnecessary stress that contributes to a state of Dis-ease. Read 3 Ways Chronic Stress Kills You Faster. 
  7. Reduce toxins and foreign pathogens by practicing good hygiene and eliminating environmental hazards such as Xenoestrogens
  8. Give your system time to reset and re-energize. Sleep, along with movement, is the most underestimated and underutilized heroes of a well functioning nervous system. 

As I have related to you in previous articles the lack of movement or poor movement form creates stress on the musculoskeletal system (arthritis) as well as the nervous system (subluxation). As you can see, this simple yet powerful stressor can wreak havoc on your sexual performance and endocrine system. A great supplement for movement in our current times is Chiropractic. I am however of the opinion that a routine of daily movement and exercise is essential to your well-being. 

– Seize the Day

Nick the DC

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