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Above, Down, Inside, Out

Above, down, inside, out. ADIO, a common phrase used by Chiropractors and originally coined by BJ Palmer. Its meaning at a mechanical level refers to the brain communicating down the spinal cord into the spinal nerves and out to every one of your systems and their respective end organs. Deeper thought on this phrase refers to your innate intelligence coordinating with every cell in your body from the inside out.

For many health practitioners, this is how we view health. It’s a healing mindset. When well taken care of, the body is strong and regenerative. The innate knows what to do and when to do it. It is a mindset that centers around the idea that a healthy body is the best defense against disease. 

On the opposite end of the spectrum, there is a fragile mindset that is held by most in the medical profession. The body, no matter the level of health is weak and susceptible to disease. Wherein the body needs help from pills, potions or lotions to ward off disease.
Health comes from within or health comes from without. The choice is yours.

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder

These two mindsets, while both claiming health, have opposite views on the world. The mindset you choose is the basis of your reality. Whether health, finances, marriage or success, your mindset is a choice that will shape your life. I like to think we are blessed to have a multiple-choice mindset.

Life is shaped by perception
Perception shaped by attitude 
Attitude shaped by choice 

Life is short, so I choose happiness

You must be open to change

Mindset is your attitude, your outlook, your way of processing the world. It’s the internal dialogue that drives you to make decisions, take action, earn success or not. It is responsible for your life and who you have become.

There are infinite types of mindsets. You always have at least two choices to choose for your mindset. The first of which to discuss is a fixed mindset or a growth mindset. As you would imagine, the growth mindset is moldable, teachable and at your command. It is crucial to being able to change your current mindset. If your mindset is fixed then you probably wouldn’t be reading this.

5 mindsets for attitude adjustments

In an attempt to keep this brief, I will avoid listing every type of mindset and keep it to my 5 favorites. (Have one to add, please share your story with us). I also chose to focus on the positives because that’s the mindset I try to live in every day.

Growth vs. Fixed mindset. This one is essential to the growth of every human being. Some may refer to this as being open-minded or even amicable. A growth mindset allows for a person to be open to learning new things. To change plans or to accept others that may be different than them. It is the ability to be tolerant of new ideas. It can also be synonymous with mindsets like abundance vs scarcity.

Positive vs. negative mindset. The ability to find good in everything and everyone. Truly difficult as it may be at times, it is the only thing that can turn a life of tragedy into a life of happiness. Gratitude is an everyday necessity when it comes to a positive mindset. There isn’t a better companion to a positive mindset than to give thanks and praise for where you are today. Another companion is to be positive in thought for your future. An abundance mindset is not fearful for when and where it will come from but knows that it will be there when needed. I was lucky enough to be given the book “The Power of Positive Thinking” by Norman Vincent Peale when I was 12 years old. Looking back, it literally was one of the defining moments in my life. 

Integrity mindset vs. Corrupt mindset. This one should speak for itself but in our modern world, it seems to be less and less important. Currently, our world often caters to those who cheat, lie and steal to get ahead. It is ever pervasive in our politics, large corporations and even churches. It’s given rise to some of the millennial culture of going from the ground floor to CEO at any cost within the shortest time frame possible. That’s not to say that the current generation does not have integrity or is corrupt. It is to say that we value the results of success at any cost and we have made that apparent to our kids. We have done this at the cost of failure. When everyone gets a trophy no one wins.  We can change this by teaching the next generation integrity over success. 

An Integrity mindset is crucial to the success of the person within you. Decisions of integrity will be true now and in 100 years. Do the right thing or risk sliding down the slippery slope of corruption and nihilism. Tell the truth, be honest, love yourself and your neighbor. Go right when others are going left.

Self-trust vs. self-doubt mindset. This mindset is crucial to success in your life. If not you, then who else will build you up. It is the one that I struggle with most. Am I good enough? Self-trust, self-respect, self-pride, self-esteem and self-worth will ultimately lead you to one thing. Your self-fulfilling prophecy. Your life story is truly up to you. Every day you will have people doubt you, but with determination and resolve, you may overcome any obstacle. Remember to not become too fixed with your ego. Arrogance lacks humility and creates a mindset that is only about the self and in this you will fail to see your real potential in the world.

Grit or goal mindset vs. fear and procrastination mindset is an unstoppable one. It is one where failure is not an option. Grit is determination, persistence and resolve for the direction you have chosen. It is not stubborn or fixed with its direction, but rather it begs the question, “what can I do differently when not achieving the results desired?” Goals will need to be set no matter the task and executed without fail or loss of excitement. Fear and procrastination go together as they fill your mind with ways of failing. If you focus on the negative, then that’s what you will achieve.  Set your goals and have the grit it takes to achieve your wildest dreams. As Ed Mylett often says “your obsessions become your possessions.”

One Adjustment action step

1. Acknowledge your strengths and weaknesses in relation to mindset. Accept responsibility for these attitudes you have. Be willing to change.

2. Clean up your mindset. Implement a positive growth mindset. It is as simple as flipping a switch. Although easy to start, this is a practice and must be done with repetition for results.

3. Build your other mindsets where appropriate. Goal, Grit and self-esteem are all mindsets that must be built. They don’t change at the flip of a switch and instead must be earned. Start today!

Happy Friday


-Nick the DC

P.S. Any mindsets we have missed that may be more essential?

Link to our next blog post: Innate Essentials #10 – Hygiene

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