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Look Good, Smell Good, Feel Good

As weird as it sounds, this is what I use to say to myself after I would finish my usual hygiene routine in the morning. I’d finish, make eye contact with myself in the mirror and repeat this phrase. “I look good, smell good and feel good.” I have no idea where it came from, but I’ve done it most mornings since high school. Ya, I know it’s kind of weird.

Physical hygiene essentials for the millennial

Hygiene is a set of practices performed in order to preserve health. This is an all-encompassing definition of hygiene. Similarly, it sounds much like the definition of well-being. For today’s blog, let’s keep this topic purely physical as it relates to cleaning and grooming.

I do understand that different parts of the world and cultures may have to change, modify, increase or decrease their routines. It is also evident that while some human beings can afford these items and more, others may not be able to. Still, the point being, we should all have a system of basic hygienic routines to preserve our physical health.

Always wear clean underwear. You never know when you’re going to be in an accident.  – Every Mom

Cleanliness is next to Godliness​

1. Wear cleanish clothes! Your mother was right, clean underwear is crucial. Clean jeans, maybe not as crucial. Still, wash your clothes and take care of them. They represent you, your self-esteem and your persona. As my Mom would often tell us “Don’t look like a crumb bum.”

2. Bathe regularly. Bathe daily when possible. At a minimum bathe the bat, balls and dugout. It wouldn’t hurt to get left and right field while you’re at it. Wash your face at least once a day, but for others with oily skin twice a day. Be Responsible!

3. Wash your hair at regular intervals. It doesn’t need to be every day, but not longer than a week. Keep that rat’s nest tamed.

4. Brush your hair every day. This is really basic, but if neglected, you will turn into a dreadlocked hippie millennial crossover. I heard they smell funny. Don’t be that guy.

5. Wash your hands often. No, I don’t recommend using the antibacterial hand soaps or liquids except in certain situations. Yes, I do think washing hands is crucial to decreasing the spread of disease and germs. I think it is more important than most of our modern-day preventative measures.

6. Skin and nails need some love too. Trim those “clackers” up once in a while. Protect your skin from the sun. Use shade as your first defense. Coconut oil surprisingly has an SPF of 4. Clothing has a much higher SPF. Natural sunscreens when you have no other choice. Avoid the toxic chemicals in most commercial sunscreen products.

7. Brush your teeth. This one goes without saying. It is a ritual that has been instilled into my daily life since I was a wee lad. The ADA recommends you brush twice a day. Brown Nosers often brush after every meal. Go for it. You only get one set of teeth and based on the latest research if you take care of them, you can keep them for your entire life.

8. Floss your teeth. A much more difficult dental hygiene practice, but with intention it too can be yours to master. Floss once a day before your evening brush. Your gums and your dental hygienist will thank you.

9. Smell Good. Deodorant is a fairly recent invention. While I do think we should allow the body to sweat freely, I also think there is a time and place in our modern society. I choose to either use my wife’s homemade hippie recipe or l also use natural commercial products such as Primal Paste and Schmidt’s Naturals. I’m pretty sure even the most natural patients I encounter appreciate this hygiene rule. (Contact us for the recipe)

One Adjustment action step

1. Acknowledge you need a set of hygiene rituals and routines.

2. Add in all of these routines and more to fit your needs and lifestyle.

3. Practice the other Innate Essentials as they will complement your hygiene rituals. After all, minimizing stress hormones and eating real food has to make a difference in your body’s chemistry.

Happy Friday

-Nick the DC

P.S. Any other hygiene essentials that you do? I know I’ve missed some due to cultural differences. Please share.

Our next blog post will share with you the products we use and toxins we try to avoid.

Innate Essentials #11 –  20 Sources of Toxic Chemicals Everyday.

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