For most, the thought of doing a detox brings to mind a difficult endeavor one must go through involving tortuous events, riddles, and boobytraps around every corner. This reminds me of an Indiana Jones movie.
The good news is you don’t need a cipher to understand that detoxification of the body revolves around two principles.
First, avoid toxic chemicals, and second encourage the elimination of toxic chemicals. That’s it!

Garbage in, Garbage out
I’ve addressed cellular function in previous blogs related to Arthritis, Hygiene, and Growth Mindsets. I’ll reiterate some of that here.
A cell needs two things. To absorb nutrients and to eliminate waste. Nutrients are needed for cells to grow, thrive, and function while elimination is used to expel anything that isn’t useful.
Indulge me for a moment and imagine that the body is just one big cell. You ingest food for fuel and expel waste on a daily basis. You are a large cell that is made up of smaller cells all performing similar functions.
You could say that your cells make up your collective ecosystem. Just like you are part of the Earth’s larger ecosystem. Our smallest ecosystems and our largest ecosystems all require nutrients and elimination.
Without these actions taking place on a macro or micro scale, you could either become malnourished or literally full of crap. Unfortunately, both can be true at the same time.
Much of this blog has focused on the intake of Innate Essentials that function as nutrients needed by the body. Things like Real Food, Water, and Movement. Without these nutrients, your body will be starved and the degenerative entropic process will be accelerated.
Now for this Innate Essential, we will change our focus from intake and nourishment and give attention to the process of detoxification through the elimination of wastes and/or toxic exposure.
The Earth does not belong to us: we belong to the Earth.
– Marlee Matlin
Toxic Exposure
The first essay on detoxification focused on 20 sources of toxic exposure that are completely avoidable.
I attempted to list some of the most common sources of toxicity known to me here in the US. I didn’t take into consideration cultural differences like the Wuhan Seafood Market and the effect that one bat could have on the lives of everyone in the world. But I digress.
I will say that my list wasn’t meant to be complete but rather central to everything we know about toxic chemicals in our daily lives. One of my primary focuses in this category of things to avoid is Xenoestrogens. This is but one of the major players in the chemical shit storm we have created through modern agriculture, technologies, and corporate industrialization. I strive to educate all of my patients on ways to avoid these toxins and more.
The first rule of our detox club is to avoid being a victim of toxic sources by attempting to remove or reduce your exposure to them. The more toxins you can avoid, the less will build up in your body and the less inundated your detoxification system will be.
Now, this isn’t a full-proof plan, so once you’re exposed, it is best to employ protocols to help eliminate the toxins from being stored inside your body.
Detoxification System Perfected
The body is amazing when it comes to removing the toxins that build up. Your body has an elimination system built just for the intake of products that your body can’t use or are harmful. This system is made up of many individual systems working together. When one or more of these systems malfunctions and is unable to perform its detoxification functions, the whole system suffers.
This system was designed perfectly to align with our natural ecosystem. It’s up to you to help it or hinder it.

The earth has grown a nervous system, and it’s us.
– Daniel Dennett
7 natural detoxification systems
Integumentary System
The skin works to help the body regulate its temperature while also being the largest of the detoxification organs for waste removal.
Liquid waste is evacuated in the form of sweat through the sweat glands. Waste products are often found in crystal form due to foods rich in protein, processed sugars, and acidic foods. Think about that if you sweat a lot or have bad body odor. It’s primarily related to your food and nervous system.
Probably the most noticeable detoxification process that takes place through the skin is a rash. These rashes are a normal part of the immune system’s response to insults received.
The skin’s role in this process is to excrete the inflammatory toxin byproducts from head to toe such as in the case of Chickenpox. It is a very effective part of the detoxification system as it is a large organ with a diffuse blood supply.
When the system is blocked due to things like antiperspirants and heavy lotions the system is unable to effectively release these toxins. This creates a backup of toxins in our system and other systems like the urinary system will be forced to help.
Urinary System
The kidney’s role in the detoxification of substances is to purify the blood from unnecessary or harmful compounds such as medications, pesticides, xenoestrogens, and many other sources I have listed here.
The kidneys can become inundated or clogged due to irritants as well as a high concentration of waste products in the blood. The irritants blocking the passageway through inflammation of the renal tissues and the inorganic substances piling up in the blood.
Crucial to the function of the kidneys, due to either of these insults, is proper hydration. Water can dilute the thickness of the blood and lymph, lowering the blood pressure as well as dilution of chemical substances carried by the blood to the kidneys.
Hepatobiliary System
The Liver is perhaps the star of the detoxification process in the body. It is the workhorse of selectively filtering out wastes in the blood.
It performs many of the detoxification tasks such as extracting cellular residues and wastes. It subdues and removes toxic substances that have been ingested. Think food additives, toxic medications, alcohol, and excess hormones.
There are also a number of phagocytic cells found here that destroy bacteria, fungi, viruses, and cancer cells. An extension of the immune system found in this brilliant machine.
This machine removes these toxins and incorporates them into the bile and secretes them back into the digestive tract for elimination through stool.
This passageway can become blocked and inundated as well. Gall Stones and chronic irritation to this organ and its sidekick the gallbladder can block the passage of bile and may result in surgical intervention. If the gallbladder is removed, the liver will step in and perform the function of the gallbladder to the best of its ability. It is rather remarkable, but not normal physiologic function.
The liver is truly the MVP of the detoxification system. Catalyzing these chemicals to be excreted by other organs and processes involved in the detox system.
Lymphatic System
Lymphatic fluid, like blood, circulates throughout the lymphatic vessels that cover the body from the tips of the toes to the top of the head. The interstitial fluid that your cells are swimming in is made up of this lymphatic fluid. This is part of your Immune System.
This lymphatic fluid and blood have a symbiotic relationship. Constantly ebbing and flowing based upon what the other needs. From viscosity to toxin exchanges the two work hand in hand for the detoxification of waste.
Red Blood cells and White blood cells (lymphocytes) are the gang members found in these parts. They too have a symbiotic relationship and need each other for purification, detoxification, and transport.
When the WBC’s detect a foreign invader and possible attack, they signal the spleen and Thymus to produce more lymphocytes. You don’t notice this, but you do notice the swollen, painful, and warm lymph nodes that show up near the site of infection. That means they are working.
When the lymphatic system becomes inundated with toxins, bacteria, viruses, and other foreign agents, the detoxification function struggles and the body’s defense fails. Invaders proliferate, cancer cells go unchecked and other immune functions are impaired.
The flow of lymphatic fluid depends upon many things. I would like to highlight 3 of them as they are Innate Essentials.
One, Hydration is key for the viscosity of the fluid to be transferred into many areas of the body.
Two, Posture is crucial to the function of the fluid. Upper Crossed syndrome for instance can inhibit blood and lymph flow from the upper extremities to the thorax. Rounded shoulders cut off the supply of nerves, arteries, lymphatics, and veins.
Three, Movement is the most crucial to lymphatic drainage. The Lymphatic system does not have a pump such as the heart. It relies on the movement of your musculoskeletal system to be its pump. I write about this and how the digestive tract also needs mobility for the motility of its contents.
Gastrointestinal System
From your mouth to your anus is one long continuous tube designed to ingest food for nutrition and eliminate the waste or toxins associated with the intake.
Digestion takes place from the moment food enters the mouth and continues on down the line until it’s transformed into simple molecules that your cells can absorb for their nourishment.
The susceptibility of the mouth to take in toxins is the highest risk to your well-being. The digestive tract must have safety mechanisms in place to eliminate toxins. Vomiting is one mechanism of elimination and diarrhea another. They can be reflexive in nature foregoing the ability to stop the impulse when eminent.
These aren’t the only mechanisms needed. For many years we have been hunters and gatherers, eating off of the land unable to sanitize every morsel of food. Your body has mechanisms in place to weed out the good food from the bad.
When food is digested, the nutrients can penetrate the mucous membranes of the intestinal tract and be transported through the blood to the liver. Here, as described above, the liver will remove toxins, drugs, heavy metals, and excess hormones and dump them into the bile.
The nutrients will continue on to their final cellular destinations thus nourishing you. Your bile and these toxins are transported through the small intestine and will eventually be eliminated in your stool. That is if your gut and its motility are working correctly.
Leaky Gut – I want to bring to light a peculiar consequence of this system in our modern times. Our mucous membranes create the wall in which nutrients and larger toxins are separated. The acid in the stomach has an acidic PH between 1 and 3, which has the ability to break down almost anything ingested.
When the acidic conditions are too high, the bacteria are out of sync or the mucous layer is too thin, the wall can be broken down. Cracks and gaps in the wall will thus allow for more and larger toxins, heavy metals, bacteria, and other pathogens to enter into the bloodstream. This, as you could imagine can have deleterious effects on the health of the organism in question. Humans and animals alike.
The cause of the highly acidic environment and the breakdown of the mucous membranes are numerous. If I had to lump them all into one category, it would be known as Man-Made causes of leaky gut syndrome. These include things like, Chronic Defensive Stress, toxins, drugs, alcohol, pathogens, and organ malfunction.
For me as a Chiropractor, the thoughtless drug intake is one that I want to focus on. These are things like NSAIDs, Steroids, and Antibiotics. These are almost always avoidable products, especially when seeing a chiropractor regularly, but instead are used excessively in this age of arrogant intelligence. Doctors and scientists know everything there is to know about the physiology of the human body and the drug interactions that take place. (That was sarcasm)
I also talk about organ malfunction and causes stemming from nervous system interference. These are numerous and shouldn’t be taken lightly. These can be associated with Chronic Stress Physically, Chemically, and Emotionally.
The final phase of this ride is the elimination of toxins through the intestinal tract that takes place in the colon. The mucous membranes of the intestines are able to absorb nutrients and also toxins. As long as they are healthy, they act as selective filters, which means that they absorb from the bloodstream toxins to be excreted, such as heavy metals, and they let only well-digested, well-prepared nutrients penetrate into the bloodstream. The insufficiently digested, larger molecules and toxic residues remain in the intestines to be excreted with the fecal matter.
If the intestinal passage becomes delayed, the food that cannot be eliminated ferments and putrefies. This can happen for many reasons, some of which I discuss in 4 Incredible Benefits of Movement for your digestion.
When the lack of motility or slow motility occurs the healthy beneficial microorganisms of the intestinal microflora may mutate into aggressive microbes which excrete toxins of their own. The constant irritation of the mucous membranes by toxic metabolites, additives, pesticides, antibiotics, and medications can damage the intestinal mucosa and further the leaky gut issues.
The lack of protection allows toxins to enter the internal humoral environment. Humoral immunity becomes impaired, which is one deeper cause for many diseases, especially chronic degenerative diseases and cancer.
It’s not uncommon for this to be an issue in today’s sedentary and highly processed environment. I’ve heard that the average American carries around between 5-20 extra pounds of poop in their intestines. Accurate or not, we know that there is some truth in this statement. It’s an uneasy feeling literally and metaphorically.
Respiratory System
The respiratory system is another primary source of vulnerability due to the inhalation of toxins and pathogens. The lungs are needed to inhale oxygen and exhale the toxic carbon dioxide.
When infection or inflammation takes place, thick phlegm can also excrete toxins that migrate up and out of the host. The more severe an infection the thicker the phlegm.
Healthy membranes of the lungs rarely let larger solids be released. However, due to constant irritation by infectious microbes and other irritants, the alveoli may become porous and act as an emergency exit for toxins that the liver, kidneys, and the intestinal tract did not succeed in eliminating due to their malfunctions.
These substances are transported by the bloodstream towards the lungs and bronchi, they squeeze through the alveoli and we cough them up as phlegm. This phlegm not only consists of microbes and the products of their activity but also of waste resulting from insufficient digestion and excretion. So Gross!
Blockage of the lungs or usually just portions of the lungs can occur primarily due to infection and inflammation. Another common source of blockage and inefficiency that I point out is posture and breathing techniques Blockage of full inspiration and expiration can be a source for contaminants to compile and create poor health conditions. Your structure is crucial to the function of your respiratory system.
Due to Covid-19, masks are all too commonly used to decrease the number of pathogens coming out of one’s respiratory tract. They are also commonly thought to be a filter for the air we breathe. They are not.
The exhalation of viruses cannot be eliminated. If we attempted to do so, we would cease to live. The masks probably can decrease the transmission of the virus into the atmosphere, thus getting stuck in the mask. Using common sense, you may also then wonder about the other toxins that the mask traps for you to re-breath.
The detoxification function of the respiratory tract is to remove pathogens and toxins from the host. Expelling them as far from you as possible. That is why we cough and sneeze due to a pathogen in our respiratory tract.
Now, Imagine sitting or throwing up into a mask and leaving it on your face all day. It doesn’t sound like a healthy environment.
Nervous System
I saved the best for last. As you know from my previous blog posts, the nervous system is the master system. Without the nervous system, all other systems would cease to function. It too can be inundated with toxins and it too has a unique process for removing waste.
This detoxification system in the brain is a firefly new discovery. It is known as the glymphatic system.
The glymphatic system, much like the lymphatic system, consists of a fluid that envelops the central nervous system. The main requirement for this system to function properly is sleep. Without sleep, the system cannot flood the brain with its macrophages and extract wastes through transportation.
Also just like in the lymphatic system the brain can become inundated with toxins, dehydrated, and/or blocked due to other organs. Some of the top neurotoxins include artificial sweeteners, processed excessive sugars, aluminum, mercury, vaccines, fluoride, medications, drugs, alcohol, pesticides, xenoestrogens, and more.
Many chemicals are unable to cross the blood-brain barrier. This is a protective mechanism. Just as the gut has when it’s not leaking. A leaky gut will allow toxins through its gates and some of which will be able to cross the blood-brain barrier thus causing neurodevelopmental disorders.
The Gut-Brain Axis gets even more complicated than that. Many hormones are made in the gut. Serotonin, which is primarily made in the gut, is used regularly by the nervous system. Serotonin, known as the happy hormone has been heavily associated with depression and behavioral disorders.
This problem can go both ways. When the gut is damaged, the nervous system will not receive its intended nutrients. When the nervous system is damaged, the gut will also not function as we revealed in 7 Scientific Ways that Movement Improves the Brain.
Exogenous Detoxification Systems
There are all kinds of detoxification products on the market today. Fads diets, potions, and multilevel marketing gimmicks galore. I have done many of them. The biggest gain I have acquired with them has been knowledge. Many of them are actually helpful and I don’t want to discourage you from trying them, but I like to keep things somewhat simple and aid the body in its natural detoxification abilities.
Due to its natural and historical significance, I have become a big proponent of fasting for detoxification purposes. Fasting can be done in multiple ways and I go through these in some details in 5 Alternative Ways Asceticism Can Improve Your Health.
I tend to be random with my intermittent fasting. I have found that Intermittent Fasting for long periods doesn’t bode well for me. Interestingly enough, I do thoroughly enjoy doing multi-day fasting once a month. Medical guided long-term fasting has not been something that I have tried but many people swear by the results. Anecdotally claiming autoimmune relief as well as weight loss and hormone changes to name a few.
Intermittent and multi-day fasting are easy to do and inexpensive. They’re practically free and you don’t need to lift a finger.
When I first found them, I was skeptical because it came with the Keto trend. After understanding the process more and reviewing the history I was elated to give it a try.
Historically man has fasted for reasons such as famine, spirituality, asceticism, and as a coming to age ritual. The idea that fasting has been part of our evolution gave the idea a lot of weight.
I overcame avoiding the trend and jumped on the train. It has proven to be a great way to flush out toxins, clear debris, and give my digestive system a break.
Supplementation is a modern cornerstone of detoxification systems and I for one am not against them. I will advise that you see a doctor or nutritionist with the right training before commuting to a plan.
Some supplements I have used before and after a detox include;
Milk Thistle for liver support.
Plenty of water for kidneys
Probiotics for the gut
Diatomaceous Earth for binding of heavy metals
Magnesium for a relaxed digestive system.
These are just a few things that I will use to aid in the body’s natural detoxification system.
Chiropractic Soapbox
My specialty has its own spin on natural aid to the detoxification system. It consists of movement, joint cavitation, and the release of chemicals and gases into the body’s interstitium to be transported out of the body.
3 Ways Movement is Vital to a Full Body Detox explores the science behind exercise, adjustments, and detoxification. A Corrective care program focuses on getting to the root of the problems and solving them. Go see a Chiropractor and live up to your optimal potential.
One Adjustment Action Step
1.) Eat Real Food every day. Check out our Real Food Reset. (coming soon)
2.) Move your body every day. Movement keeps lymph, blood, nutrients, and wastes from being stagnant. 3 Ways Movement is Vital to a Full Body Detox.
3.) Find your GRIT and push your self-control. 5 Alternative Ways Asceticism can Improve Your Health.
4.) Find the best Water local to you and consume only it. Use glass or Stainless Steel water bottles to avoid Xenoestrogens.
5.) Get Adjusted. The movement of your joints and body is a nutrient for your brain. It is also a way for your body to expel wastes.
6.) Routines Build Dreams. One meal will make you fat and unhealthy, just like one meal won’t make you skinny and thriving. Your habits and routines make or break you.
7.) Take the Oath. Make a commitment to change. Improve you health through natural detoxification of toxins.
Chiropractic embraces the science of life, the knowledge of how organisms act in health and disease, and also the art of adjusting the neuroskeleton.
– Dr Daniel David Palmer
You don’t need a complicated a program to rid your body of accumulated toxins. In reality, it’s not that difficult to aid in the already miraculous detoxification system within. Remember the first rule of the detox club is to avoid toxic chemicals. (20 Source of Toxins) The second is to eliminate toxic chemicals efficiently when you can’t.
Don’t slow the system down by inundating it with fast food, processed chemicals, fluoridated water, medications, drugs, alcohol, and polluted air. Instead, invest in your health before it’s too late.
It’s crazy to me that we are on the fringe for believing in clean air, clean water, real food, and limited chemicals.
I have always found it wild that we regulate organic produce and require them to be expensively labeled for consumerism. Organics should be the “conventional” foods and the sprayed, waxed, GMO crops should be the ones being regulated and having to pay for their labels. Strange Times.
Real Food Reset E-book will be finished shortly. Although, it’s not necessarily a detox guide but rather a guide on how to stop your current habits and set up new routines to eating healthy REAL food every day. Remember if you’re eating Real Healthy Whole foods you won’t need a detox program.
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