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What’s the craziest thing you've ever put in your mouth?

Super weird question I know, but how about Castoreum? It’s a chemical found in many Snack foods, candies, gelatin, ice cream, and drinks with strawberry and raspberry flavors. It’s used for its vanilla-like smell and taste. Can you think of any foods that you may have had that contained this chemical? Me neither, but it’s probably been in some food you have eaten. Castoreum comes from cute little beavers and what it actually is, is beaver anal gland juice. 

Yep, you read that right, and it’s probably been in your mouth a time or two. I will say though, at least this ingredient isn’t man-made. That’s all it really has going for it. So, obviously Innate Essential number two is Eat Real Food

Food and food-like products

I will often tell patients that they can survive on boot leather if really needed. It does have a caloric value and could technically keep a person going for a short period of time. But is it something that makes your body thrive?  Will it help your body live up to its ultimate potential?  Probably not, unless maybe it’s Louis Vuitton leather. Food like products can have a high caloric value with a low nutritional value. Therefore the body can be “full” with plenty of calories and very little nutrition. Quantity over quality.  An example of a food-like product is Fruit Loops. I know, I know, “don’t talk bad about my Fruit Loops!” But I promise you, this isn’t even the worst thing we’re going to talk about. 

Man-made Food

What the heck is man-made food and aren’t Fruit Loops man-made?  Yes, well technically they are man-made, but at least they are made from mostly real food.  Man-made food is more than just processed food, it’s a chemically made product that ends up in our food supply. It’s Diet Coke, chewing gum, most candies and many other products that infiltrate our food supply. It’s the byproducts of our processed foods and the way we grow our foods. This includes phthalates and pesticides. Most of these are under a larger umbrella known as xenoestrogens. Chemicals in our foods are mostly poisonous just in small enough quantities to not kill us. Rat poison will kill you in a large enough quantity, but only make you sick in small quantity. More on this in a later blog post linked here.

What is Real Food?

Food that has been eaten for millennia. Food that is meant to nourish the body not just fill it. This is unprocessed or minimally processed foods. A good way to know what foods to eat is if it was recently living before landing on your plate. Organic produce, nuts and minimally processed grass-fed organic meats are examples. 

With the digestion of these foods, we get macronutrients such as protein, fats and carbs and micronutrients such as vitamins, amino acids, fatty acids, and minerals. I usually will point patients towards a diet like Whole 30 instead of fad diets. I’ve tried them all from Atkins to Raw, to Paleo and more. Whole 30 revolves around eating real food. A good rule of thumb is to avoid the inner aisles in a grocery market. If you want to earn brownie points, you could always grow your own food. 

Damn Hippies!

So, let’s simplify this. Eat a plant-based diet made up of primarily organic foods. Add some lean meats in and try not to fry everything. Try expanding your palate to new foods. One way to do this is to mostly eat what is in season to you locally. Minimally process the food when cooking. Enjoy the natural flavors and “keep it real”. 

One Adjustment action step

1. Ditch the processed food and try the Whole 30 diet or something similar.

2. Buy living or recently living organic foods. (Veggies, fruits, seeds, nuts, etc.) 

3. Buy some lean meats. (Organic, grass-fed and finished when possible.)

4. If cooking, eliminate the use of chemicals or microwaves. Eat them as close to whole as possible and then enjoy. 

Happy Wednesday

-Nick the DC

P.S. I assume you read Innate Essential blog post about Water. You should’ve already ditched all other beverages, so it goes without saying that sodas are out. 


Link to our next blog post: Innate Essential #6 – Self Awareness

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