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Emotional Fridays!

Phew! This week has been a roller coaster of emotions. Thank God it’s Friday. Day to day we can have a range of emotional interactions with ourselves and our environment. Whether it’s relationships, financials, self-improvementpersonality traits, failure or success, the fact remains that we can be conscious of our emotions at any time. Being able to be conscious of our emotions allows us to make decisions about how we react. 

All the feels...

As you can probably tell Fridays will be dedicated to all aspects of emotional well-being. I put this topic at the end of the week as it is usually the hardest one to swallow. emotional well-being is often misconstrued as weakness and many times we shy away from the discussion out of our own feelings and insecurities. 

Because – Feelings! 🤮

I’m telling you today, that it’s much more than that. Your emotional state as it relates to your environment with work stress, financial planning, planning strategies, or relationships is the hardest well-being of all to master. Emotional well-being has a large range of subcategories from deep depression to great happiness. The one thing they all have in common is the responsibility is all yours.

The ball's in your court

Now, I’m not telling you that everything in your life that happens to you is completely your fault, but what I am saying is that everything that happens to you is your responsibility. It’s your choice of what you are going to with the cards you’ve been dealt. This is literally the story of almost every self-help book from parenting success to career success to financial success to relationship success or even happiness success. 

This one attitude about life can empower you to take control of your emotions and understand that you can put a plan together to succeed. I often use writing exercises to help deepen my thoughts on some of my life’s greatest stressors. It allows me to stop the barrage of thoughts that are often negative self-talk and get the facts straight.

When life gives you lemons, you make lemonade.

The Innate Essentials

These thoughts have consequences on your physical and chemical well-being. The effect of stress hormones on your body can be amazing when they are short term but left for long periods of time and they can break down your body at a rapid rate. We will be diving into this process more throughout our blogs. Mastering the basics on autopilot allows for our body to continue to thrive while accessing part of the brain that allows for Autobiographical Planning as well as reflection.  Our focus as always is to first master the Innate Essentials so that we can take on the rest of the world with ease.

Join me in my next emotional well being blog as we break down the three R’s. Resolve, Reality and Responsibility. It gives a basis of to all of our existence and hopefully allows you a starting point to being making one adjustment at a time towards a better emotional well-being. 

Happy Friday

-Nick the DC

Link to next blog post: Innate Essential #1 – Posture

“I think therefore I am” – Descartes

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