3 Essential Movements to Improve Lung Health

3 Essential Movements to Improve Lung Health

Reading Time: 12 minutes Welcome to chapter 4.4, “3 Essential Movements to Improve Lung Health”. So far in chapter 4, we have covered “How exercise improves all 12 systems of the human body”, How exercise improves the musculoskeletal system with a focus on arthritis and joint damage, How exercise improves the Neurological system in function and behavior and “How exercise improves the function of the immune system.” Chapter 4, Movement as an Innate Essential, has proven to generate a wide-range of positive effects on the well-being of the body. As a musculoskeletal specialist, this is my initial focus when working with patients. As I Read more…

5 Ways Exercise Increases your Immune System Response Pin

5 Ways Exercise Increases your Immune System Response

Reading Time: 11 minutes Hello again!  So far in Chapter 4 we have postulated that movement affects all 12 systems of the human body. Here in chapter 4.3 we are establishing evidence on how movement can improve your immune system.  The seed or the soil? The human immune system is quite complex. Most scientists would agree that there is more that we don’t know about the human body than we do know. Our current approach in “treating” the immune system is a perfect example of our arrogant ignorance. Instead of strengthening the body from the inside out naturally, we attempt to reduce symptoms of Read more…

Arthritis Reversal – 5 Ways Movement Impacts Arthritis

Reading Time: 12 minutes Stiffness leads to arthritis Chapter 4.2 – Stiffness leads to arthritis – Movement and its effect on your joints. That’s right I said it!  Stiffness leads to arthritis. But, that doesn’t really mean what you think it means.  Let me explain.  Almost every day a new patient will inform me that they have arthritis or that arthritis runs in their family. The term arthritis is confusing. Arthritis literally translates to joint inflammation. And while I do think that most people today are walking around with high levels of inflammation, I don’t think that’s what they are referring to.  Arthritis is Read more…

7 Scientific Ways Exercise Improves Your Brain

Reading Time: 16 minutes 4.1 – This is your brain on shrugs In this off-shoot of chapter 4 (4.1) we are discussing movement and its effects on the nervous system. It’s crazy to me that we need to produce studies at high costs to prove the efficacy of movement and exercise on the well-being of the human body. Nevertheless, here I am gathering a crap ton of research so I can support my ideas of natural living for my audience.  After reading some of these studies produced, I keep thinking – Duh! Of course, exercise is healthy. Of course, it helps your brain. Of Read more…

12 Critical Reasons Your Entire Body Needs Exercise

12 Critical Reasons Your Entire Body Needs Exercise

Reading Time: 9 minutes Movement from an evolutionary perspective is essential to life.  The ability to adapt and overcome obstacles allowed life to evolve. In our previous blog title Movement is Life, we touch upon some of the basic understandings of why I have named movement as an Innate Essential. In this 4th chapter of the 12 Innate Essentials, I will expand on how movement is needed for a well-being and how movement impacts all 12 of the body’s systems. Movement at a molecular level is needed to make and break bonds. Movement at a cellular level is needed for the transport of these Read more…

7 ADHD Friendly Habits to Improve Focus

Reading Time: 13 minutes What is the cause of ADHD or ADD The truth is, no one has a definitively objective answer.  What we do know is that these behaviors tend to show some genetic predispositions. We do know that there can be triggers that increase the likelihood of showing ADHD symptoms (epigenetic). We do know that this label has been put in place not because this is a disease of some sort, but rather a way of categorizing a set of behaviors that is unique to a few. We do know that boys tend to be diagnosed with these behavioral issues 3 times more Read more…

7 Easy Habits to Improve your Focus

Reading Time: 16 minutes So, previously I wrote to you confessing my self-affirming diagnosis of Neophilia. Shiny object syndrome (neophilia) is a consequence of our survival need to perceive threats at all times. Its primary disadvantage is the ability to maintain short term focus. For more on short term focus issues, see my post on  “7 ADHD friendly habits to improve focus.”  This article is a continuation of our topic on creating your life’s reality and thus focuses more on long term focus. While I do have an affinity towards novelty, my overarching theme in life tends to be more traditional and conscientious. One Read more…

Resolve your Reality

Reading Time: 12 minutes In this blog series on Reality, Responsibility and Resolve, I have previously related the importance of being able to see your reality by removing distractions, analyzing your past, conceptualizing your future and most important taking responsibility for your life. It is now that we must move on to Resolving your reality. For one to have resolve I think it is important for these prerequisites listed above to be first and foremost. This will allow for a deeper understanding of where you have been and could potentially go. It is hopefully enough to help find your “Why” and maybe even enough Read more…

Own your Reality

Reading Time: 13 minutes Own your Reality Recently I attended a funeral for my Great Uncle who passed at the ripe old age of 92. The celebration of life started with a eulogy from his youngest son which outlined a theme in his life. One that reflected a life of generosity, family, mentorship, love, fun, and respect. His friends and family also added their more colorful stories of my Uncle that helped to paint a beautiful picture of his life. Although I didn’t know my Uncle or his family all that well, I did have the privilege of living with him for about 6 Read more…

Write Your Reality

Reading Time: 10 minutes What’s your story? If you paused your life today to write your autobiography, what would your story say about the person you were? Would your story be filled with laughter, love, success, friendship, focus, goals, and virtue or would it be filled with sadness, hate, failure, loneliness, procrastination, aimlessness, and iniquity? Your story is not over and you will write it until the day you die. So who are you in your story? Are you the main character in your own story? The hero, the villain or the innocent victim? Wouldn’t you like to be the hero in your own Read more…

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