11 Best and Worst Posture Corrector Devices

11 Best and Worst Posture Corrector Devices

Reading Time: 6 minutes As Seen on TV Every single day without fail a patient will ask me if they should order a posture corrector brace that they have seen advertised on television or Facebook. And every single day I explain to them that not all posture devices are created equal. I do my best to educate them on which ones will help you and which ones will fail you. Before I get to the devices, I think you should know and understand what posture is, what it can do for your health and why you can’t fake it ’til you make it! Here Read more…

7 Keys to Proper Hydration

Reading Time: 11 minutes High Quality H20 “Water sucks! It really, really sucks!” -Waterboy It’s the first necessity of life as we know it. The #1 Essential is Water and without it, human life will cease to exist within a week or so. So, the question begs, what is the optimum amount and quality of water for proper hydration of any human being. To be honest, it’s not something that one should have to put much thought into.  Unfortunately, our water supply has suffered immensely in comparison to what would have been naturally occurring before industrializing our world. That being said, modern advancements in our Read more…

The Value of Water

Reading Time: 9 minutes The Value of Water The first thing we look for when determining the possibility of life on another planet is water. Without water the chances of finding life on another planet are nil. It is a subject of wide interest because it is currently recognized as one of the key prerequisites for life and thus essential for extraterrestrial life. With this being the case, why is water so undervalued by the majority of the humans on Earth? Are we naive, stupid or just plain apathetic in our current times? Is this a paradigm held only by first world countries? In Read more…

5 Posture Types You Can Change for Good

Reading Time: 7 minutes Practice Perfect Posture Perfectly Posture is the first of the 12 Innate Essentials because I believe that it can be easily changed to have a deep impact on your life. I have also stated in a previous blog post that form comes before function which is a general rule in architecture and engineering. Your posture and the way you carry yourself from that posture can affect multiple areas of your life from your health, to your personality. Many studies have related it to respiratory issues, cardiovascular issues, mental health issues, relationship issues and many more.  It should be taken seriously Read more…

9 Exercises for Upper Crossed Posture

Reading Time: 9 minutes Posture – Upper Crossed Syndrome Upper Crossed Syndrome is a descriptive postural term coined by Dr. Janda M.D. It is associated with other postural types such as Lower Crossed Syndrome and Layered Syndrome.  While there are many other postural dysfunctions, these are the most common and will be our main focus for postural correction in this blog. Not sure what postural dysfunction you may have? Read 5 posture Types You Can Change for Good. In our previous blog “3 Steps to Make Your Posture Great Again”, we discussed the 3-step process for improving your posture. So, if you’ve made it Read more…

11 Exercises for Lower Crossed Syndrome

Reading Time: 9 minutes Posture – Lower Crossed Syndrome Lower crossed syndrome is a descriptive postural term coined by Dr. Janda M.D. It is related to other postural types such as Upper Crossed Syndrome and Layered Syndrome.  These postures listed above are the most common of postural problems afflicting our world. They will be our focus for the majority of the postural content here on this blog. Yes, there are many other postural dysfunctions, but these are the most common in our society.  Not sure which postural dysfunction you have?  Read 5 Posture Types You Can Change for Good. In our previous blog post Read more…

Take the O.A.T.H.

Reading Time: 4 minutes Life as it were… In writing this blog, I can see why so many people get overwhelmed in today’s high-tech society. Trying to gather my thoughts and put them down on paper, all the while juggling my life, marriage, kids, kid’s birthday parties, career, work, employees, emails, texts, Facebook notifications… It’s never-ending but manageable. The knowledge I have, which I often take for granted, may be unknown to others and I have realized that a blog would be most effective in organizing my thoughts on many health-related issues. Much of my writing is related to my personal routines and rituals Read more…

Living that 90/10 Lifestyle

Reading Time: 4 minutes I’m a Neophiliac Yep, you read that right. Nope, it’s not what you think.  It is in our human nature to be attracted to what we don’t have or can’t have. Our focus and passion on these must-haves can be surprisingly fleeting. Once we have it, game over and our attention quickly turns to the next new shiny object. This happens over and over from the beginning of our existence through old age. It has been termed Neophilia, “the love of or enthusiasm for what is new or novel.” This in large is what has led us to our massive Read more…

5 Truths for Healthy Relationships

Reading Time: 7 minutes Man in the Mirror The Innate Essentials have focused much of its time and energy on internal emotional well-being. This is because change ultimately starts from within. However, that change also touches your external environment and that external environment touches you. To pursue a lifestyle of well-being you have to use the limited resources of time and energy wisely to make a difference when dealing with your environment. To make a difference in your world will encourage the world to be different. “If you want to make the world a better placeTake a look at yourself, and then make a Read more…

20 Sources of Toxic Chemicals Everyday

Reading Time: 6 minutes Toxic wasteland I think at this point in this blog and in the world, we are all aware that some chemicals in our environment are harmful. Like in the recent case of Dewayne Johnson vs. Monsanto Company where Johnson was awarded 289 million for terminal cancer related to his exposure to Monsanto’s pesticides. Stories similar to this have been happening for more than a century and are only becoming more frequent. How much can you tolerate? The majority of these chemicals happen to be man-made or byproducts of man-made industrialization. There are some that can cause us measurable harm in Read more…

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