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Physical Mondays!

It should probably be emotional Mondays, but this is my blog and we’re going to get physical first. Most people hate Monday’s and that kind of crap is just sad. If you love your life and what you’re doing, then Monday’s should be just as good as any other day that ends in Y.  So let’s help Monday earn back the respect it deserves. To make it easier, put some new rituals and routines back in the mix. I like to start Monday with a burst of physical exercise to start the week off right. Never miss a Monday! Every step we take is either one step closer to wellness or one step closer to Illness.

I will use Mondays to talk about some aspect of the physical category. Today’s topic will be to gain a better understanding of this physical well-being category. It’s the first part of the big three categories of a life worth living. Notice I didn’t say the most important, but this is my wheelhouse and I want to start with my strongest points first. 

Physical Well-being

Physical well-being of the human body needs order and routine to function at its best. The universal law of entropy (chaos) shows that all things fall apart if left to their own demise. A perfect human example of this is caring for and maintaining hair. Ask anyone with long hair what happens if they go a day without brushing their hair, a week without or even months without. We know that the hair will begin by getting tangled, then knotted, matted and eventually it’ll turn into dreadlocks. There is no reason, no real cause that I can tell. So shave your head and you’re good right? Well then, how about brushing your teeth? What will happen if you remove this routine from your life for a day, a week, a month or even a year? Plaque, gingivitis, inflammation, break down of the gums and teeth until the full degenerative process is complete and your left sipping Ensure out of a straw. Of course, you could avoid eating food with your teeth and they wouldn’t degenerate nearly as fast, but then you would be dead from starvation… but, I digress. 

Master the Innate Essentials

The point of this is to bring to the realization that our body, especially in today’s society and after our adolescence, is breaking down by the second. The only thing standing between your body degenerating rapidly and your body regenerating is the care and attention you give it. Think of a bell curve, when we’re young we are heading up the curve of rapid growth and regeneration. We hit a peak and suddenly start to crest “over the hill” and we start our decline. Can we slow this decline? I say with confidence, yes!

What is it that we can do? We understand that our bodies need fuel to function. (more on this in another blog post linked here.) We then need to understand that our physical body is in need of routine maintenance and care too. Examples include; dental hygiene, skincare, haircare, joint mobility and stability, rest, cardiovascular care, digestive health and feeding your microbiome. So let’s focus on these Innate Essentials as we write out the start of this blog and create a life worth living.

What's the catch?

I should also say anything that is good for us can always be taken to the extremes and create problems as well. Just as much as we need physical activities for most of these routines, we also need rest and repair from our physical stressors. A balance of physical well-being through things like sleep, rest, yoga, meditation, prayer etc. is necessary. Remember well-being is a juggling act and it’s not exactly one size fits all.

I’m not saying you have to do these or that doing them will necessarily make you live longer. I am saying that they will give you a much better quality of life that will make it a life worth living. Opportunity costs are the real costs involved with those that never take any action, therefore there is no positive life progress. What would life be without the pursuit? 

So... What's Next?

In these Physical Monday posts, we are going to attempt to examine multiple areas of our physical health and the best routines for maintenance of these structures. I fully expect some dialogue and some questions for new areas to discuss and examine. We will put together the fundamentals first with twelve Innate Essential posts.

An understanding of our best anatomical postural efficient behaviors is the base for the success of our biomechanical physiology. Posture being our daily forms will be our first Innate Essential and the focus of our next physical blog post. Posture link.

Happy Monday!    

-Nick The DC

Link to the NEXT blog post – Chemical Stress

“Do Sharks complain about Monday morning? NO, they’re up early, biting stuff, chasing shit, being scary – reminding everyone they’re a f*cking shark!!”

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