4 Incredible Benefits of Movement for Your Digestive System

4 Incredible Benefits of Movement for Your Digestive System

Reading Time: 8 minutesChapter 4 has been all about movement. I related to you the comprehensive benefits it has on your well being in regards to your nervous system, musculoskeletal system, immune system, respiratory system, and cardiovascular system.  The fun continues in this blog post titled Chapter 4.5 “4 Incredible Benefits of Movement Read more…

7 Easy Habits to Improve your Focus

Reading Time: 16 minutesSo, previously I wrote to you confessing my self-affirming diagnosis of Neophilia. Shiny object syndrome (neophilia) is a consequence of our survival need to perceive threats at all times. Its primary disadvantage is the ability to maintain short term focus. For more on short term focus issues, see my post Read more…

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