Life as it were...
In writing this blog, I can see why so many people get overwhelmed in today’s high-tech society. Trying to gather my thoughts and put them down on paper, all the while juggling my life, marriage, kids, kid’s birthday parties, career, work, employees, emails, texts, Facebook notifications… It’s never-ending but manageable. The knowledge I have, which I often take for granted, may be unknown to others and I have realized that a blog would be most effective in organizing my thoughts on many health-related issues. Much of my writing is related to my personal routines and rituals that I have found to help create some order in my life. I am no different than anyone reading this, but I may be further along in managing my well-being in one area of life or another. I have committed to taking One Adjustment at a time Towards my Heath.

“How You do Anything is How you do Everything”
Who should take the OATH?
One Adjustment and the 12 Innate Essentials are ideas that I want to share with my patients and anyone else who can benefit from them. For some, it will help them to stabilize their conditions and others it may even reverse their condition. I truly think that adding some or all of these elements into your life can lead to more control over your life’s direction. The purpose of which is to have maximum order so that you may be prepared to handle the chaos of life. After all, change is good. Right?
One Adjustment at a time
Changes to your life are often the result of new unwanted problems that need to be solved. I see many people striving to understand their situation and searching for the one cure that will restore their composure back to life as it were. All the while, ignoring the true causes of their problems. It’s often a compound effect of their habits good and bad. It isn’t that one meal makes you fat or one meal makes you skinny. It is the long-term habits, routines and rituals you are performing on a regular basis that add up to who you have become. In Chiropractic, one adjustment won’t solve all your problems, but it is at least a step in the right direction of your well-being. The 12 Innate Essentials are simple truths to guide you in the right direction.
Take the OATH
I will be exploring many of these essentials in-depth as time goes on. I want to ask one thing of you, my readers. I want you to take an OATH with me. I want your O.A.T.H. to be One Adjustment Towards Health. For others, this may be One Adjustment Towards Healing.
Join the pursuit
That’s it. I want you to consistently strive in your pursuit of health and happiness One Adjustment at a time. It is my opinion that having something to strive for and seeing progress is where happiness and health can be sustained. Life will always be unfair, and we will all experience some aspect of tragedy, bad news, illnesses, handicaps or “bad luck.”
Victim or Victor?
This is where the rubber meets the road so to speak. You have all read one story or another about overcoming adversity. Whether it was the pro-surfer with one arm, a physicist degenerating from ALS or the mountain climber with no legs. They all have one thing in common. They accepted their reality and took the responsibility to make One Adjustment Towards their Health or Healing. I’m encouraging you to do the same. So, What’s your story?
“Take the first step in faith. You don’t have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step.”
– Martin Luther King JR.
Goals for your OATH
- Commit to change, while retaining some order in your life.
- Avoid the hype – Learning how to control the chaos that is life is more important than waiting for the cure. There is no one fix. It’s a juggle. Get back to the basics.
- Take baby steps – New is overwhelming but should not be ignored. Not minute steps, but achievable steps.
- Achieve worthwhile goals – Pursue goals that will create meaning in your life. These goals will take grit mindset to accomplish.
- Create routine. Routines and rituals create consistencies. This is in preparation for the future you. These are your habits.
- Start the 12 Innate Essentials as a baseline or prerequisites for your pursuit of health and happiness. Although not perfect, they are universal to all of us.
- Use this new-found order to battle chaos (change) and conquer your dreams.
The OATH is one in which you are striving to be your best.
It doesn’t mean you can’t falter. Read the 90/10 lifestyle for a better understanding of avoiding burnout and creating consistency in your life.
It doesn’t mean you can’t use some hype. I like to use some supplements. I use this turmeric, Vitamin D3, Carlson’s Fish oil, probiotics on a regular basis. My kids regularly take Vitamin D3 as well as a Smartypants multivitamin. I have even been seen in public having a Kombucha or two. I am saying that without some of the basics in order, the supplements can be pointless.
It does mean that your health in large is created through routine and rituals. You can stop at any time, but this will be to your peril.
Can you stop taking baths? Of course! Should you? Probably not. Cleanliness is a journey of routines as well. That’s why there is a blog post on Hygiene.
One Adjustment Action Step
1. Take the O.A.T.H.– make a commitment to yourself.
2. If you are brave enough, write it down and post it to our twitter or our Facebook page or even here in the comments. It helps to make it real and make yourself accountable. What is your goal?
The blogs newest focus will be to unpack many of these essentials and explore some non-essentials too. We will try to avoid the hype. Our next few blogs in series will be related to Innate Essential #1 – Posture. We will start with Lower Crossed Syndrome.
–Nick the DC
Disclaimer: The One Adjustment website and blog does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment of any type. One Adjustment uses affiliate links as a means to support the content provided at no extra cost to you. Please see disclaimer link for more details.