Don't screw this one up
This is not exactly the Ferrari of articles, but it is important and my first rule of chemical Innate Essentials. Water is needed for everything from hormones to digestion and mobility to healing. Without water, the body will shut down in about a week. So ya, at the core of everything you are trying to do, water is essential. Fix this one thing now to help build your Innate Essentials. Fix this or fail.

Water, water everywhere...
The majority of the world is made up primarily of water. The majority of the body is also made up of primarily water. It’s the first thing we look for when exploring other planets. It is essential to life. Interestingly enough, fatty tissue contains less water than lean tissue. So, the leaner you are, the more you need water to sustain your hydration levels. This is also why you may have read that increased water intake is essential to fat loss. The more fat tissue the more water is needed to help flush out the toxins that reside within the body.
How much water does one need?
So how much water do you need? Well, it seems everyone has a differing opinion on this. The standard government idea of water intake for an adult is eight, 8-ounce glasses spread throughout the day. This may be too much for a few adults out there and far too little for the majority of people. Another theory is to drink half your weight in ounces. Who is right?
Ok, so without boring you to death with all the different theories, I’ll just tell you how to start this one adjustment safely and slowly. Remember we are adding one adjustment at a time and this one is not one size fits all. This is an Innate Essential adjustment, so it is one that you will never stop. Start with the standard of eight, 8-ounce glasses spread throughout the day. Do this for a week and get comfortable with it.
Clean up on Aisle Two?
If you are not a regular water drinker or you get most of yours from other beverages, you will notice an increase in urine. Don’t be alarmed if it’s clear. That’s much better than peeing out something that looks like Coca-Cola. This is a great way of measuring your hydration. Long story short. You want light yellow to clear pee. If your feeling thirsty, then have a drink. If you’re peeing every 5 minutes, you are probably overdoing it. Yes, you can overdo it with very dire consequences. I’ve consumed over a gallon a day in the past while trying to find my ideal Innate Essential goal I used my thirst, urine output and urine color as a guide for how much my body needed.
I get water from my coffee/tea/soda...
I hear this one statement, quite often. To many, this can be confusing when they are consuming beverages other than pure water. Most beverages that you take in have a diuretic property (i.e. coffee, tea, soda, juice, alcohol). This means they make you pee more than you should, thus you are actually consuming lots of liquid with no real hydration. So, cut that crap out. No, you won’t die without coffee or beer. I promise. You will, however, die without enough water. If this seems a bit rough, send me your story on our contact page and I will help you individually.
Water is slightly complicated
Not all water is created equal. When is the last time you had a glass of water straight from the river? Without a filter, probably never. The world wasn’t created with rivers of Gatorade for a reason. Currently, most of our world’s water is undrinkable due to contamination. (This is insane to think about) I know what you’re thinking, “doesn’t our government purify it for us then feed it through pipes to our house?” Yes, but don’t touch that tap.
Tap water contains a crazy amount of chemicals. Don’t even think about it unless you’re dehydrated and it’s your only option. Many also believe you shouldn’t shower in it or bathe in it. They make whole house filters like this for that reason. Yes, water used to make your Starbucks, etc. is tap water.
Alkaline water is better, but some research says too much may have a negative effect on your digestive system in the long run. It’s a sometimes treat.
Local spring water either bottled or delivered is one of my favorite sources of water. There are local areas where you can fill up your own bottle for free or almost free. Locate a Spring is a website dedicated to just that.
Filtered water is recommended by most health professionals. I usually will look for a reverse osmosis filtered water. There are countless filters to buy, but my favorite is the Berkey system. Adding a touch of Himalayan pink sea salt is also great for hydration.
Just do it!
Every day take in your baseline water intake and more depending on your environment and/or need. It is your responsibility to learn what your body needs. Self-awareness and responsibility are two things you will hear a lot in these posts. I always tell patients “if you want to be healthy then make it your hobby.” With that said, this is your first essential adjustment. This post was way longer than it needed to be. Drink more water and knock off the excuses.
One Adjustment action step
Innate Essential.
1. Ditch the coffee, teas, beer, soda and for God sakes the Energy drinks. (Not saying forever, but at least 30-90 days, then learn to balance it.)
2. Drink only water. 64 ounces spread throughout the day. 8 ounces first thing when you wake up – Add some freshly squeezed lemon juice to increase its alkalinity. (Yes, I do more than 64 oz. More on that later.)
Happy Wednesday
-Nick the DC
Link to the next blog post: Innate Essential #3 – Reality
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