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The 12 Innate Essentials for your Well-Being

The Wellness Juggle

The act of creating and sustaining a well-being is daunting. You could say it’s a bit of a juggling act. A wellness juggle if you will. Creating and sustaining a well-being is a juggling act of Physical, Chemical and Emotional events. Just like learning to juggle, it’s a slow process that requires you to add a ball to the mix one at a time.

Keep practicing until you can make three throws and three catches. Once you’re confident catching all three balls, add a fourth throw and catch, and a fifth one, and so on… Don’t look now, but you’re juggling!

Creating a state of well-being should start the same. It’s a mix of routines and rituals all designed to balance the events in your life. Add one at a time to avoid being overwhelmed and try to keep the balls in motion. If one drops, it’s not the end of the world, pick it back up and keep going.

Turn the Brain on Autopilot

Practice makes perfect. Practice and the routine of it builds your brain’s ability to perform these tasks on autopilot. Scientifically this is referred to as the Default Mode Network.  When tasks can be performed on autopilot, the ability to take on a new task is done without creating chaos. The ability to keep order in your life and especially your health, the easier one can take on new tasks for more progress. The ones who perfect this are more likely to succeed in all parts of life. All of us require the same genetic basics for living, therefore we created the Innate Essentials for the beginner to start their wellness juggling act. One at a time!

“Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it.”
-Charles Swindol

What Balls? and Why are we Juggling?

Understanding what you are juggling makes a difference. Is it a sword, balls or bowling pins? In life, the wellness juggle consists of 3 main categories. Physical, Chemical and Emotional well-being.

Physical well-being consists of everything pertaining to the physical interactions of your physical self. Some subsets of this category could be; skin, muscles, bones, teeth, digestive tract, heart, lungs, hair, etc. Digging in even further is understanding what things make or break these pieces of your physical self. These would be posture, exercise, trauma, sleep, rest, hygiene, diet or even chemical interactions.

Chemical well-being consists of everything that pertains to the chemical interactions within or surrounding your physical being. Some subsets of this category include diet, medications, hygiene products, environmental factors, air, hormones, water etc. A large part of this category is nutrition and its effect on your well-being, but this should not discount your environment and even more importantly your chemical physiology. This can include things like stress hormones that are released under all stressful interactions.

Emotional well-being consists of everything that pertains to emotional interactions with your physical being. Your mind’s interactions with the body and some subsets of this may include, relationships, spiritual, social, mindset, occupational, home, childhood, environment, intellectual, financial, personalities, coping strategies, etc. Learning how to juggle these items is essential for improving your current health.

Innate Essentials for Well-Being

Well-being is the art of expressing our greatest living potential. Within every living object found on earth, there is an innate intelligence. An inborn intelligence that controls and coordinates every chemical, physical and emotional interaction within the body. 

Consider a tree. A tree only needs three well-being essentials in the right order to express its greatest potential. Remember third grade science? – Water, sunlight and soil. These are the essentials needed for the plant to continue growing and thriving. The plant may also interact with its environment to receive other non-essentials that may boost its growth and increase its living potential as well. Just like the plant’s innate intelligence thrives on autopilot, we must humbly accept that we have similarities even though we are human. This is where the 12 Innate Essentials were born.

I’m telling you, that you are not much different than the plants you are surrounded by. All too often I see patients who are suffering from illnesses and pain, looking for their cure-all. All too often I see these same patients lacking many or all of these well-being essentials and hoping for a quick fix. A plant cannot make use of the earth’s carbon dioxide if it has no soil for its seed to rest. It is always my first goal to restore these well-being Innate Essentials so that the body can express and heal itself naturally.

Nature needs no help, just no interference. – BJ Palmer

The 12 Innate Essentials

The 12 Innate Essentials are best when followed together through daily routines. In each post, I have included action steps as well as links to more information on the topic at hand. I hope you enjoy the habits, routines and rituals as much as I do.

1. Posture 

2. Water

3. Reality 

4. Movement 

5. Real Food 

6. Self-Awareness 

7. Sleep 

8. Stress Chemicals 

9. Mindset 

10. Hygiene 

11. Toxic Chemicals 

12. Relationships 

Mission Statement

This blog is dedicated to understanding these three states of being and how to encourage their greatest potential through rituals, routines and self-awareness. It is also the aim of this blog to document this for the understanding and well-being of my family and my patients. I will be personally documenting our life struggles with respect to these three areas of well-being in blogs, podcasts and videos

The posts on these blog topics will be kept to a reasonable length so while they won’t be encyclopedic, however, its purpose will be to give you some direction as to what the essentials and non-essentials are and how to implement them into your life.

This blog is directed towards adults, but it is our youth who would prosper the greatest from this knowledge. Your health much like your wealth has a greater chance of optimization if you use the rules of compound interest. Similarly, compound interest of debt and dysfunction will grow exponentially and this is the root cause of most, if not all diseases. Remember you’re only One Adjustment away from a completely different life. Click on any blog post below to read more. Click on this link to read more about the 12 Innate Essentials.

Link to Next Blog Post – Physical Stress

-Nick the DC

“The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. 
The second best time is NOW.”
– Chinese proverb

The 12 Innate Essentials

Disclaimer: The One Adjustment website and blog does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment of any type. One Adjustment uses affiliate links as a means to support the content provided at no extra cost to you. Please see disclaimer link for more details.

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